Mont Rest Inn
(563) 872 - 4220

Ghostly Tour
Join Mont Rest Inn as we team up with Paranormal of Wisconsin to take you on an extrordinary adventure!
Your Overnight Ghostly Package Includes:
Spending the evening in a Luxury Suite
Ghostly Gourmet Dinner
Intriguing History of Mont Rest
Meet face to face with lead investigators
A look into the parinormal investigations of P.O.W
Use state of the art ghost hunting equipment such as:
sb7 Spirit Box
emf detectors
ghost voice Box
Mont Rest once held the title as "the Haunted castle of Bellevue". Being one of the most historic buildings in (Bellevue/Jackson County), Mont Rest Inn is the perfect spot for you to get the full ghostly experience.
Thanks to lead investigators, Jason, & Michelle, guests of our ghost hunt are given the opportunity to enjoy real life experience with professional ghost hunting equipment! Each of you will get the opportunity to set out on an adventure of your own, as you travel the premise of the Inn

Past Investigations
Double click image for detail